Overdraft/Returned Check
$25.00 per item
Student Overdraft/Returned Check
$12.50 per item
Deposited Return Item
$10.00 per item
Automatic Transfer
Stop Payment
$20.00 per item
Cashier’s Check
Personal Money Order
Cash Advance
Check Cashing Fee (Non-Customer)
Wire Transfers
Wire Out: $10.00
Wire In: $5.00
Foreign Wire: $37.50
$0.25 first copy
$0.10 each additional copy
Incoming/Outgoing Fax
Account Statement Copy
Account History Printout
$10.00 per hour (1 hour minimum)
Counter Checks
$1.00 for 6
Coin Counting Charge (Non-Customer)
10% of total coin
Debit Card Fees
1 card per account holder- free
Each card reissued- $15.00
Regular Checking, NOW, Freedom Select 55, and Money
Market Accounts
$1.00 per month if average balance
is under $100.00
Passbook Savings Account
$1.00 per quarter if average balance is under $100.00
Money Bag
Gift Envelopes
Safe Deposit Box Rental
3x5 $ 9.00
5x5 $15.00
10½x3 $18.00
10½x5 $30.00
3x5 $ 9.00
4x5 $12.00
4½x5 $13.50
5x5 $15.00
10x3 $18.00
10x4 $24.00
10x4½ $27.00
10x5 $30.00
10x10 $60.00
3x5 $ 9.00
10x3 $18.00
10x5 $30.00
10x10 $60.00 |